參兩摘|November 25, 2014

Cheddar is now FREE
不喜歡 Todo app 的開發者 Sam Soffes 寫了這個叫 Cheddar 的 Todo app,小眾經營得不錯,不過後來賣掉了。原本的模式是免費下載但有功能限制(月費解鎖),新公司接手後,宣佈Cheddar app 跟同步功能全部免費開放。Cheddar app 支援 Mac, iPhone, iPad。
特別的是,Sam Soffes 當初把所有的 Cheddar app 原始碼放在 GitHub(iOS, Mac) 供人取用。新公司接手後,原始碼不再更新,但舊版的程式碼持續開放參觀。一個實際商品化的產品原始碼,不好好利用就太可惜了。
Semantic UI 1.0 - User Interface is the vocabulary of the web
首頁很操三大瀏覽器的 CPU & GPU,至於好用不好用,Web 我不熟,PASS。
RaceSplitter rejected after three years for using a slider control (via Michael Tsai)
三年,歷經十三個版本後,Apple 說:貴產品其中一個設計跟我們前幾版(iOS 6)太像,很抱歉,這次不給過,回家重寫作業再來...。以下引用原文中 Apple 的「指控」:
The “slide to start the stopwatch” is similar to the “slide to unlock in iOS device”.
iTunes Match lost all my music (and then I got it all back)
- iTunes Match 上的音樂幾乎不見了。
- iTunes Match 上音樂都救回來了。
- 還好有 CrashPlan
Personal Development
Don’t Get Lost in Being Right.
Growing up my Dad would always tell me: “If the person you’re talking to doesn’t understand you, this is actually your fault and your problem. You need to do a better job of communicating.” It sounds pretty trivial, but it’s not.
I try to do just one thing when I’m in the middle of a conversation: listen to the person I’m talking to. Instead of thinking of how I may structure an argument to disprove him or how to share a relevant personal story of my own, I try to just listen and absorb the words being said to me.