參兩摘|November 25, 2014

參兩摘|November 25, 2014


Cheddar is now FREE
不喜歡 Todo app 的開發者 Sam Soffes 寫了這個叫 Cheddar 的 Todo app,小眾經營得不錯,不過後來賣掉了。原本的模式是免費下載但有功能限制(月費解鎖),新公司接手後,宣佈Cheddar app 跟同步功能全部免費開放。Cheddar app 支援 Mac, iPhone, iPad。

特別的是,Sam Soffes 當初把所有的 Cheddar app 原始碼放在 GitHub(iOS, Mac) 供人取用。新公司接手後,原始碼不再更新,但舊版的程式碼持續開放參觀。一個實際商品化的產品原始碼,不好好利用就太可惜了。

Semantic UI 1.0 - User Interface is the vocabulary of the web
首頁很操三大瀏覽器的 CPU & GPU,至於好用不好用,Web 我不熟,PASS。

RaceSplitter rejected after three years for using a slider control (via Michael Tsai)
三年,歷經十三個版本後,Apple 說:貴產品其中一個設計跟我們前幾版(iOS 6)太像,很抱歉,這次不給過,回家重寫作業再來...。以下引用原文中 Apple 的「指控」:

The “slide to start the stopwatch” is similar to the “slide to unlock in iOS device”.

iTunes Match lost all my music (and then I got it all back)

  1. iTunes Match 上的音樂幾乎不見了。
  2. iTunes Match 上音樂都救回來了。
  3. 還好有 CrashPlan

Personal Development

Don’t Get Lost in Being Right.

Growing up my Dad would always tell me: “If the person you’re talking to doesn’t understand you, this is actually your fault and your problem. You need to do a better job of communicating.” It sounds pretty trivial, but it’s not.


I try to do just one thing when I’m in the middle of a conversation: listen to the person I’m talking to. Instead of thinking of how I may structure an argument to disprove him or how to share a relevant personal story of my own, I try to just listen and absorb the words being said to me.