參兩摘|November 26, 2014
The Importance of a Developer’s Blog
Engagement: The blog allows a developer to “close the gap” between the product and the customer. It allows for a personal touch, a hint of humanity, and invites the viewer into a much bigger story.
Cathartic: I think the act of publishing one’s thoughts is incredibly important for the developer, for the blogger, as it allows them to crystalize their very own thoughts about what they are doing.
火球一週贊助費 USD $9000,拆合台幣約 27 萬!繼續觀察美金三十元的產品這贊助費值不值得...
It's a gamble, for sure. Just like any marketing move or strategy or tactic there is nothing that is 100% guaranteed to work.
"Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go."
Introducing Charted
Medium 把內部用的資料圖像化工具開放了。支援 .csv 還有 Google Spreadsheets(餵連結即可)。
Charted is a tool that automatically visualizes data.
Charted 以 node.js 實作,用 d3.js 處理資料。另一個類似的開源碼專案 re:dash 由 EverythingMe 開發。
讓你寫了又改,改了又改的電子郵件重覆利用的好幫手。TextExpander / TextExpander Touch 的應用方式真的是令人嘆為觀止。
到目前為止還沒看到能與 TextExpander 匹敵的 Windows 版本,實在可惜。展開!超展開!
The 5 Stages of Writing a Help Article
撰寫教學文(How do I ...)的注意事項。順便介紹 ScreenSteps, Clarify-it
The Design of LLVM
LLVM 專案的爸爸聊 LLVM 的設計。
A Two-Context Approach to GTD with OmniFocus
OmniFocus 大概是史上最複雜的 Todo list。
Spoon - Run Windows applications in portable containers
Windows 版的 Docker?不過 Docker 免費且開源,而且已經獲得不少大廠青睞。
Optimization lessons to learn from the V8 javascript engine
以 V8 專案證明 OOP(物件導向設計) 其實沒那些人說得那麼糟。CppDepend 真是分析 C++ code base 的好物,不過不便宜。
Exceptions is one of the controversy mechanism in C++. Should I use them?
Exception(例外機制)使用與否的爭論由來已久,而且可能也不會休止。Google 是極力反對使用 Exception, 甚至寫到 Google Style Guide。
Personal Development
3 unexpected things I learned during my first 50 days using Lift.
充份利用這個免費的 app-Lift,讓你建立好習慣。