參兩摘|December 04, 2014

Awesomium 1.7.5
Where the Magic Happens
Desk 爸爸的開發環境:11" MBA 一台。極簡,汗顏。
AquaSnap - Window Management Made Easy!
Windows 平台的視窗管理工具,原以為 Windows 7 有了 Aero Snap 後此類工具不再有舞台,AquaSnap 許多貼心功能再次證明「自我設限乃軟體工程師第一惡」。
Malware’s new target: your password manager’s password
Highly advanced backdoor trojan cased high-profile targets for years
Ghost Acquires Roon.io
多產的 Sam Soffes 又賣了一個產品。申請過 Roon.io ,但用了一次就丟了,不是產品的問題,而是當時還沒有認為寫文章的打算。現在把家蓋在 Ghost,衷心希望 Ghost 把 Roon.io 的優點(我不知道是什麼)完全吸收,一個不留。
Mean People Fail
Another reason mean founders lose is that they can't get the best people to work for them.
當然有不少例外,好比萬人景仰的 Steve Jobs。
Want to do a podcast? Don’t be intimidated
我也是用 Blue Yeti ,覺得不錯用啊。
Mic Technique
5by5 掌門人 Dan Benjamin 親自教授正確的麥克風用法。重點:分清 Condenser Microphone 與 Dynamic Microphone 的差別。
Humans do strange shit to software that we could never predict in the controlled setting of our carefully constructed software development environments.
Also, next time you want to know this data, here’s the query you run. Stop wasting my time.
You are sensing rage in my answer because I’ve spent a career surrounded by well intentioned humans who believed that it was QA’s job to file bugs, and the fact is that quality is a feature, so like it or not, everyone is in the QA department.
Mean People Fail
I have always worked hard to teach our kids not to be mean. We tolerate noise and mess and junk food, but not meanness.