參兩摘|December 10, 2014

Crossy Road
遊戲王 John Siracusa 在 ATP #94 介紹大力推薦這款遊戲,到 App Store 搜尋 Crossy Road 結果發現這款《天天过马路》,當下冒出「這是官方中文版嗎?怎麼公司名叫游道易Yodo1?」
推友甘草檸檬早一步發現,而且主動詢問 Crossy Road,得到那確實是官方授權的中文版:
天天过马路 by 游道易Yodo1 // is this an official translation of #crossyroad? https://t.co/ssiuK5x0Nz pic.twitter.com/hFpWWbfxQn
— 甘草檸檬 / Yellow Candle (@herballemon) December 1, 2014
@herballemon Yes, that's the official version.
— Matt Hall (@KlickTock) December 1, 2014
這就是沒事亂聽 podcast 的下場,無端浪費了一小時...
BCX: Calendar
非新聞。Basecamp (以前叫 37Signals)把開發 Basecamp Calendar 功能的過程公開,讓外界看看該公司如何利用自家產品做專案管理。
37Signals 是家經營成功的軟體公司,專案成員皆為此領域佼佼者,透過這樣公開的形式學習專家如何執行專案,受益不少。
Basecamp 最低收費每月 $20 元美金, 長久下來也是筆開銷。預算不多的小團隊或家庭(是的,「家庭」也是需要心力管理的專案)可選用一次付清($25 美金)的 Basecamp Personal。Basecamp 的成員 Dan Kim 分享了他們家的 Basecamp。
On Validation
漸漸成為我的偶像的 Desk app 硬地開發者 John Saddington 在其作品獲選為「2014 年度最佳 App」後分享內心的感動。
That wasn’t in the realm of possibility and wasn’t something that I was trying to necessarily accomplish.
I’ve been working hard over the past 17 years as a developer to do work that matters and to find joy in the projects and products that I’ve built and created.
I want you to know, very clearly, that I am not overly-talented nor am I amazingly-gifted.
The only thing that I’ve got going for me is that I try to do my best, I work smart (and hard), and I haven’t quit. I’ll list those things for you so you can “scanners” can capture these important facts and apply them to yourselves:
- Work smark and hard.
- Don't quit. Don't vie up.
Launcher Followup and Thoughts on the App Store Review System
App Store Review BS 再來一發(原文在此)。蘋果表示,麻煩你花幾個月心血開發,然後送來給我瞧瞧,我很樂意看看喔。
They steadfastly refused to tell me if a certain use of a widget was acceptable or not ahead of time.
The Apple representative responded by saying that they prefer that the rules remain vague because that allows developers to come up with innovative ideas and also allows Apple to be flexible in case they change their minds later.
They basically said that Launcher was a trailblazer in uncharted territories and that they felt that they needed to make an example of it in order to get the word out to developers that its functionality is not acceptable without them having to publish new specific guidelines.
Marco Arment 的補刀不意外話說的頗重:
You’re better than this, Apple.
Just disgusting.
基於以上(還有其他事件),蘋果在 WWDC 上說有多感謝開發人員對 iOS Ecosystem 的付出 blah blah,跟 CEO 一樣,攏係Gay耶!
Launcher 作者的一翻話值得玩味:
Steve also had a high level of confidence, some might say arrogance, that led him to believe that he was absolutely right when others were wrong. This level of confidence/arrogance is also ingrained in the culture at Apple.
Unread app 之父談到蘋果審核的不確定性對於 Apple Watch 生態系的影響:All These App Rejection Stories in One Headline “No One Dares to Build WatchKit Apps that Matter”