[071] 細節

[071] 細節

軟體界最屌的公司之一 Basecamp 寫了一篇徵實習生的感想文,不少地方引起我的共鳴。

有別以往,今年該公司徵的實習生皆採遠端工作(Remote Working),利用電話與視訊面試,由六百多份履歷中篩選出一百多位應徵者,最後十一位出現。一位負責面試的 Basecamp 人士舉了幾個應徵者犯的錯。

People applied for programming internships without showing us any projects they worked on, or even describing their experience in any depth.


Don’t tell us all the things your last employer did wrong & how you told them off for it. It doesn’t make you look edgy; it makes you look like a jerk & a gossip.


Don’t waste my time. I’m not going to a site & filling out a form to give you more information about who your mentor would be. I’m not impressed by that.

Don’t name your resume file “Resume.pdf”. We’re looking at hundreds of resumes. Make it easy to find.

為什麼不能命名為 Resume.pdf?這我先前倒沒想過,現在想想,可能的原因有:

  • 容易「撞名」,如果要將附件存成檔案,肯定需要改名,那又浪費了別人的時間。
  • 不好找。沒了郵件,Resume.pdf 即失去情境,單看檔案看不出究竟是誰的履歷。

比較好的命名是 sam_tsai_apply_for_Basecamp_programmer_intern_2016.pdf

Spell the company’s name right. I don’t think this is too much to ask.

不少人會中這招。把人家的公司名稱打成 BaseCamp(我猜的)顯出你的漫不經心或不重視這份工作。既然如此,自然是慢走不送。


最後,Basecamp 老大 Jason Fried 的一句話讓我頻頻點頭:

It’s always a good reminder… When we set up the rules, we can change the rules.
