參兩摘|December 08, 2014

參兩摘|December 08, 2014


Personal Development

Why Bad Listening is One of the Worst Decisions Managers Can Make

Powerful leaders are often mythologized as stubborn and bull-headed, and that ignoring the advice of others is a virtue.


people with more power listen less, take less advice, and are ultimately less accurate in final judgments.

「微服出巡」做為 information-gathering 的手段是現代的管理技巧之一。

Powerful people are confident; their reaction is to stop listening. Keys to listening well, then, are openness and vulnerability, pointing the compass needle away from yourself and showing confidence in others.

Apple Makes Panic Remove Transmit’s Export Feature

Marco Arment 補刀來了

Panic 略作說明。蘋果依據的是…,管他的,老大說了算。